Service Offerings

Your healing journey is your own. You decide what path you want to take, including what healing modalities to practice. Trust that your Divine way is what will lead you to the service offerings of Explore Self & Soul. What feels good in the body? Trust it.

Breath Movement

Learn how capable you are of transforming your life with the power of your own breath. To build a deeper relationship with your body and to breathe in your beautiful life force, it can completely change the way that you perceive this reality. You are truly just one breath away from a new state of being. Allow yourself to go on a journey with Rachel as she curates a very personal session for you.

Self-Investment: $45 - $85
(Length of sessions are 30-60 mins)


This method of energy work provides a beautiful form of healing to the body. By the grace and flow of a higher source, it can aid in the transmutation of stagnant energy, trauma, pain, or dis-ease and create balance in one’s self and start to develop a relationship with your own inner wisdom.

Rachel tunes in to your higher self, spirit guides and loved ones to share messages that pertain to your physical, emotional, spiritual and energetic well-being.

Self-Investment: $85 for 60 mins.

Intuitive Readings

Intuitive readings using oracle cards are a powerful tool for connecting with spirit and receiving guidance from a higher source of love. Through the process of pulling cards and interpreting their meanings, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your challenges, and your opportunities. The guidance received from oracle cards is not about predicting the future, but rather about offering clarity, perspective, and support as you navigate life's twists and turns.

Self-Investment: $45 for 30 mins.

Are you planning an upcoming retreat?

Are you looking to invite new practitioners to share their gifts?